
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Apologies Guys

Sorry again for not updating as planned, but I've gotten pretty sick, so I promise that once I'm all good again, I'll have a special treat for all of you.
Sorry again.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Draw Adventure Time

Hey guys, how are you all?
Today I'm just going to gibe you all a little Adventure Time drawing I did, I've been a little off lately, sorry guys, I'll fix this up soon.
The favourite pairing of my boyfriend and I is Gumlee
Not to mention this is also a day late I'm so sorry guys.
Anyway, who or what is your favourite character/pairing/etc

And for my American friends Happy 4th of July! (Although here in Australia it's actually July 5th)

Monday 1 July 2013

Some Visual Puns!

Hey guys, I'm sorry about this one (a little) I'm feeling a bit under the weather...
But anyway, these are still puntastic, haha