
Tuesday 29 October 2013

I'm Getting a Shiba!

So, the reason  (or not so much) that I haven't posted anything recently is because I'm getting a Shiba Inu very soon, I've found a great breeder who I'm going to buy him off (yes, I'm getting a boy puppy) and I'm so excited!

Also, yesterday I was in Sydney and I saw this big, stocky dog does anyone know what breed he is? Apologies that the pictures aren't very good.
But leave a comment if you have an idea of what he might be.
It's just a quick little post for now because it's (nearly) impossible to use blogger on my phone.
Ja mata (see you soon) guys!
Kitsu out~

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Let's Be Awesome - Ylvis edition

So guys, I'm sure everybody has heard of "The Fox" by Ylvis now, so it's time for extra-late-I-don't-know-why-I'm-doing-this coverage of the actual comedy duo that created it. 

They're a Norwegian comedy duo, originally from Bergen. Ylvis is brothers Bard and Vergard Tylvisaker. They do have some other videos but they're in Norwegian, but there hilarious songs are all in English, such as Stonehenge, Pressure, The Cabin and Someone Like Me.

So, this has basically become a short post because I forgot what I was originally meant to be talking about...

But, as soon as I finish Pokemon X I'll be doing a post about that. And soon, soon(!) I shall have a YouTube video up guys. As soon as I can work out my evil technology!

Stay awesome guys~!

Sunday 13 October 2013

My Day As a General Post - Talk With Kitsuyurei

So, I'm sitting here, eating my hot instant chicken noodles, going through various tabs on Google Chrome, thinking of how to spend my day. Occasionally I return to this one, pausing momentarily before returning to my other thoughts.

I'm bored, Aiken (my boyfriend - that's his nickname) is out of the house, I can't find my 3DS charger and have nothing new to watch or read. So, let's have a conversation... please.
I'm online on Google + right now, so, say hello or something.

Thanks guys.

Also, I'm still looking for a new background for Silly Alien.

You're awesome guys.

Ja mata.

Failing at Videos Part 2

Well guys, as most of you know I attempted to start a play through of Alice the Madness Returns only for the recording not to work.
Today I tried to do a recording of the Stanley Parable - only for the wrong thing to be recorded...
Why does my laptop hate me...

Sorry, also I'm eating my lunch right now, so I'll add a proper update in a few moments or hours or so

Stay cool guys.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Why is Your Nose in the Middle of Your Face? Because it's the Scent-er!

So guys, today let us discuss becoming disillusioned with life... like this penguin.

Or not really, today I'm going to talk about ideas.
Or more so, the lack thereof.
So, we'll discuss my life, (or really, just a pretext for some fun puns~)

I recently changed my IPod's name to Titanic, it's syncing now.

I was at the supermarket the other day, and I ran into this girl who said she met me at the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore. (nor gone to the vegetarian club - I need bacon!)

Has anyone heard about the cross-eyed teacher that lost their job? They were fired because they couldn't control their pupils.

Once I had a job at a bakery, it was because I kneaded the dough.

It has come to my attention that a successful diet is the triumph of mind over platter.

When I last got a blood test done, they said I had Type-A but that was a Type-O. 

Another thing that came from being at the doctor's is learning that a bladder infection means that urine trouble!

And those are all the puns I have for now. I hope you guys enjoyed!

Like for more puns and comment anything really, especially more puns!
You're awesome guys, and bye for now!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

It's Pun-Pun O'clock - Musical Edition

Well, when I say 'pun-pun' I'm not talking about that ridiculously overpowered Kobold, I'm actually talking about puns.

So, I've been diagnosed with Tom Jones disease.
Luckily the doctor says it's not unusual.

I asked if I could borrow Rick Astley's Pixar DVD collection.
He said, "I'll lend you Monster's Inc, Finding Nemo, Cars, Toy Story and Brave.
But I'm never gonna give you Up."

So, please leave any comments.
Like this post and follow my blog.
Also, if you have any puns fitting this theme, or any puns in general comment down bellow.
Have fun guys and I'll talk to you soon.