
Monday 27 May 2013

General Badassery

Okay, so maybe someone who uses the term 'badassery' isn't a badass...

Well... I know I don't seem like the kind of person to be a badass... even from my... five... posts it's probably fairly obvious that I'm not. At least not in reality in my own mind... or in Skyrim, yeah, well... a malicious killer is more appropriate for the latter.

Let's see... things I've done in my younger years that felt to me, as being a badass...
-Skipping school... once in year eleven... (and yeah... I got caught >-<)
-Taking the long way to class with some pals so I was late...
-Chewing gum..
Okay, let's stop here actually... this list is really making me sad...

Hmm... Skyrim-wise
-Slaughtering an entire town and getting no bounty
-Being an assassin
-Being a thief
-Being a werewolf
-I would put being a vampire on here... but Twilight killed the badass factor there... *sparkles~*! (-_-)
And the list really, really goes on...

But seriously I have probably... maybe done some actual badass things before... I don't know... I really don't
I don't even know what this post is...

Friday 24 May 2013

A Few Random Things About Me

Let's see, well, the kanji used to write my first name (Kitsuyurei) is:

Ki - meaning spirit/soul

Tsuyu - meaning dew drop

Rei - meaning zero

And Jokyoku isn't my actual last name, ~(*-*)~ but it looks like this:

Jokyoku - meaning overture
And Overture means 'new chapter' or 'beginning' and it is also the obvious first part of a musical rendition. You'll probably notice that I really like music related words, such as this and Sforzando, Dal Segno, Oratorio (I hope I spelt that correctly).

What else...
                  Oh, I have a cat called 'Okorimakuri' which means 'Always Angry' but really he should have been called 'Always in Indecipherable Mood' but anyway... and Okori is attracted to things that light up... which can be a real problem with a glowing keyboard...

Well... I can't really think of anything to add... I suppose asking questions would be easier? So, I suppose, if anyone reads this, fire away!


Bad Joke 1

Who is the least likely person to be found out the front of a building holding a sign saying, 'Live Nudes'?

A necrophiliac!

So basically... Cicero...

"And then he said to the man, "That's not a horker! That's my wife!" hahaha... I love that one"
(I love that one too Cicero... as all my friends know...)

Resigned and Despairing Life Motto Two:
Life is never having the will power to finish what you

Sunday 19 May 2013

BlazBlue Anime


So, I've just discovered that, not only is there a third installment to the series (BlazBlue: Chrono/Clone Phantasma) but there is also a new BlayzBloo (a chibi 3D mini version) and it is finally becoming an anime (it already has some manga and novel versions but an anime is just what this excellent game has been begging for)~!
I can't wait to see how awesome it is. And the most likely scenario will be using the same voice actors for the anime, which means Tetsuya Kakihara! And more Jin Kisaragi! (Jin is my favourite BlazBlue character and Tetsuya Kakihara is my favourite Japanese voice actor, and he happens to be the voice of Jin)~!
Tetsuya's also available as a commentator option instead of Saito Chiwa in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II (and I think other ones too, BBCSII is the version of Continuum Shift that I have).
Now all I need is a Jin Kisaragi nendroid~ A Ragna the Bloodedge, Tsubaki Yayoi, Carl Clover (+ Nirvana/Ada) and Hazama one would also be appreciated~ (there is already a Rachel Alucard one)

(Although I used this picture, the Jin and Tsubaki relationship feels more like an afterthought to Jin's brother complex) I like Jin and I like Tsubaki, but I don't really like them together...

Monday 13 May 2013



A lone stranger strolled through the wreckage of what he assumed was once a town. The rubble crunched under his heavy boots as he trudged steadily through the carnage, turning his head left and right.
"It seems that they got here first; I suppose that would explain the damage." He frowned, slowly digging through a pile of rock, wood and other items no longer distinguishable.

"Major..." A soft voice pulled him from his thoughts, although it was unnecessary for him to face her.
"I understand your concern, but please keep watching a little longer... please."
The girl frowned slightly at his pleading tone; her commander had always faced things with the same lack of emotions. She turned around scanning the horizon, in case a former passerby still lingered.

A few minutes later the man stood straight, held close to his chest was the bruised corpse of a young woman, an emerald ring matching the Major's around her pale neck. "Damn them. Damn them all to hell." The Major clutched the body desperately.
His companion stepped closer, "Major... what is... was she to you? We're not supposed to interfere with humans."
"You think I don't know that?!" The Major glared at her.
Shirking back slightly she continued, "But, isn't there a way to bring her back...?"
"Life can be brought back... but not memories." He shook his head sorrowfully.
"Then what will we do now?"
Sighing the man looked into his subordinates eyes, "Only one thing we can..." he looked up, casting his gaze over their celestial home, "Wait, just like we've always done... until these humans can learn to live a life without fighting..."
"...But what if they never learn...?" the girl asked cautiously.
He leaned back, "Then we'll wait some more..."

© Kitsuyurei Jokyoku

Thursday 9 May 2013

Grand Opening

Dramatic Trumpet Fanfare

Grand Opening of 'Silly Alien That's My Money'

Well, I've been expecting you~
I'm Kitsuyurei (but really, anything for short) and well, I'm terminally short of cash so, I have come to the conclusion that there is an alien stealing all my money, hence the name of this blog. But don't flutter off just yet, I'm here to talk about anything at all.

Resigned and Despairing Life Motto One:
"Life is wanting to say something but never having anything to say."