
Monday 27 May 2013

General Badassery

Okay, so maybe someone who uses the term 'badassery' isn't a badass...

Well... I know I don't seem like the kind of person to be a badass... even from my... five... posts it's probably fairly obvious that I'm not. At least not in reality in my own mind... or in Skyrim, yeah, well... a malicious killer is more appropriate for the latter.

Let's see... things I've done in my younger years that felt to me, as being a badass...
-Skipping school... once in year eleven... (and yeah... I got caught >-<)
-Taking the long way to class with some pals so I was late...
-Chewing gum..
Okay, let's stop here actually... this list is really making me sad...

Hmm... Skyrim-wise
-Slaughtering an entire town and getting no bounty
-Being an assassin
-Being a thief
-Being a werewolf
-I would put being a vampire on here... but Twilight killed the badass factor there... *sparkles~*! (-_-)
And the list really, really goes on...

But seriously I have probably... maybe done some actual badass things before... I don't know... I really don't
I don't even know what this post is...

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