
Friday 21 June 2013

Bad, Lazy Kitsuyurei is Going to Get Organised

Firstly, well, I'm sorry guys that actually read this I've been really lazy and slack for a long time, and I apologize sincerely...
I've been working really hard on things for a while...
I'm planning on putting up videos and a YouTube channel (and I'll post here when I do)
But, I've also been working really hard on a short story so I can buy some new things (like Bioshock Infinite Ultimate Songbird Edition)
And I've just been generally lazy... drawing random crap...
Which reminds me again, I plan on adding a little comic section to my blog, as well as any little stories or novels I start up.

And as usual, a picture...

I suppose if anyone who reads this is an artist, they could send me something? Haha... like I'm popular...

But, now I'll be getting into more of a proper schedule, and it will go something like this;

Bad Pun Tuesday - Every Tuesday I'll post some puns

Anything Goes Thursday - Where I post about anything, my life, rants, artwork or something and it will be every Thursday

Goodies and Games Saturday - Every second Saturday I'll talk about some game (okay, and since I'm poor I'll start with some games that have been out for a while (sorry) but eventually get some good ones or I'll review random shows or something... I don't know... (once I get my YouTube up, I'll move the game playing/talking to that channel)

Story Time Monday - The first Monday of every month I'll post a story or chapter of something I'm currently working on or my little plot lines/note takings or character artworks/info

Comic Corner Wednesday - One Wednesday every month I'll post a comic strip about anything I feel like drawing

Okay, wow that was a long post... 
Ja mata guys!

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