
Friday 21 June 2013

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

So the number one thing you need to know about me is that I mother-freaking love the Legend of Zelda.
My boyfriend and a friend are getting me a replica Hylian Shield and Master Sword for my birthday (I'll post pictures when I get them). So, even though this game has been out for some time, it's naturally going to be the first thing I talk about on Game Thursday, okay. This is the reason I bought the 3DS (and unfortunately got mine just before they released the Legend of Zelda 3DS... heartbreaking, I know...

But, anyway...

I loved this, even though I've finished the Main Quest and Master Quest a couple of times, I spend hours playing this game.
I love the game play
I love the art.
The characters.
The epic music.
It's beautiful, just like all LoZ games are.

Just a few notes;
1. Navi
If you divert from the Questline just a little to get some hidden Easter eggs, (e.g. collecting all 100 Golden Skulltulas) then Navi will get all in your face like some independent black woman "Hey!" ... "Hey, Link!" ... "Listen!" Seriously... Navi, don't you care about realising that poor family from their curse? Or getting the fourth bottle? Just calm the fuck down and let me cut this grass.

2. The Water Temple
As always, it lives up to its reputation as the most hated dungeon ever! Water on, water off, water up, water down! Oh, you can't use your sword under water. Oh you need your iron boots, clunk. Clunk. CLUNK. But, you guys are just in for a lucky surprise because that Master Quest? It makes Every. Single. Dungeon. Water Temple insane!

3. Kaepora Gaebora
This guy is a magical piece of work! He talks to you for about an hour each time you see him chillin' up in a tree, okay, he will tell you at least one sentence that's of use to you the first time you play a LoZ game, after that, you kind of want to skip through it, so you do it, you press that (A) button like you press that traffic light button when you want to cross the road. But then, those evil people, at the end of his hour long speech have the options "I got all that" or "Please repeat that" and the option for him to say it all over again is the one that the arrow is automatically on so you go (A), (A), (A), (A)- oh shit... not again...
And that big, fuzzy owl tilts his head back and forth with his giant eyebrows happening like "oh yeah bro, it's not mustaches that are in, it's massive eye-staches".

I don't really know what else to say right now, considering I just got up and am extremely sleep deprived, haha, if I think of anything more I'll add it later. But seriously, if you love Legend of Zelda you should definitely get this, if you love adventure games you should definitely get this, if you have a 3DS you should definitely get this.

It gets
So basically it gets 100% 

A little note here, I did post this on Saturday morning here in Australia but according to Pacific Daylight Time (Australia uses Eastern Standard Time) which my blogger is set to, I posted this yesterday... and I waited all night for it to be 8:00 Saturday morning... anyway, enjoy guys and I'll talk to you soon!

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