
Wednesday 26 June 2013

John Marsden Prize

Okay guys, for today's Anything Goes Thursday I'll be talking about the John Marsden Prize for Young Writers.
Now, John Marsden is an Australian author and teacher/principal and he wrote the 'Tomorrow When the War Began' series. And now he has started up this award, where he judges and donates the prize money for four young Australian writers. The catergories are;

  • 18-25 short story or first chapter of a novel
  • 18-25 poem
  • 18 and under short story or first chapter of a novel
  • 18 and under poetry
Now, I'm going to enter a short story (or maybe a novel chapter I don't know) and see how that goes down.
I'll post little bits up here as I go along but I cannot post my entry until after the competition and I'll post it on a Story Time Monday.

Anime: 07 Ghost  It's awesome, check it out.

And I suppose, that now, in the immortal words of Porky Pig - "that's all folks"
I'll see you guys later!

Oh, and let's see... since no-ones commented thus far (I'm so unpopular, haha) the first one to comment on any of my posts gets some sort of prize I don't know... a story... a picture? Something... they can request anything I suppose...
And now for the flood of comments... or not... haha

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