
Monday 2 September 2013

Game Review: Fire Emblem Awakening

Over the past four days I have returned to another favourite and classic series - Fire Emblem. In this new tale of the epic chronicles we encounter some familiar and beloved characters, as well as equally fantastic new ones - especially through the edition of DLCs and the ability to create your own character (mine is a tall cool looking, experienced, twenty-eight year old male with red hair and an easy-going personality by the name of Hachiro)! This time, we take on the role of a mysterious person who becomes Chrom's (the Prince and your co-star for main character) Tactician. Another thing Awakening adds is awesome battle scenes! After choosing a foe for you troop to battle it then enters an epic 3D cut-scene! There are two different types of cut-scenes in Awakening, one similar in style to the battle cut-scene in which the characters are more 3D and sprite-ish looking and the other where they appear in more of an anime style, however when it's done in the second style your character isn't shown.
Something that everyone who's played the game will remember, is the fact that when someone dies - they're dead. Well in Awakening there is no such trouble, you can play the game in either Classic or Another Mode of Which I Cannot Remember the Name, in classic mode troops are dead forever, in the other mode they're gone until the end of the battle but whichever mode you pick the game is over when the main character dies. Another semi-irritating feature that remains is that your weapons break! It's horrible when that happens mid-battle and that unit is left defenseless... but it adds to the base strategic element and attraction of the Fire Emblem series.
The storyline, as expected of a Fire Emblem game, is deep, exciting and I got completely lost inside of it! There are exciting twists and turns and all sorts of fun side stories, even more with the DLCs! Another extra feature is the 'Hubba Tester' where this guy called Old Hubba gauges how the characters really feel about each other, although it's just for fun and not really based on anything in-game I still have fun seeing how everyone feels about ol' Hachiro.
I'm sure you guys can all tell that I love this game, and naturally I'm giving it 5/5 stars, it continues the legacy of its predecessors while adding new, unique and memorable things too. There were epic moments, comical moments, cute moments and heart-stopping moments! I highly recommend Fire Emblem Awakening and all others in the series! Now I'm off to continue playing! And I'll draw you guys Hachiro later!

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