
Wednesday 25 September 2013

Who Says I Have to Follow a Schedule? A.K.A. I'm playing Dungeons and Dragons! A.K.A. This Title is far too Long

So, to explain the labels of this post - 'Anything Goes Thursday' and 'Bad Pun Tuesday'
Well, seeing as it's Wednesday, it's in the middle of Tuesday and Thursday
And seeing as there are definitely bad puns in this post and that it's Wednesday and I'm doing what I want, that explains the two labels, in a more or less kind of way.
Haha, I love you guys (also, I'm totally not drunk).

So, my friends and I are finally getting around to playing more Dungeons and Dragons (nerds!) - it's awesome, seriously - and I will actually be the Dungeon Master! Hell yeah!
Which means, guys, that I will be a God among mortals! Hahahahaha! (I'm totally not going power crazy).
Well, I just wanted to hear your lovely Dungeons and Dragons (or even general RPG tales) and hear any ideas you guys have for us to mess with.
Anyway, really I just wanted to post for the hell of it, and because everyone is taking too long to make their characters so I thought 'why not update Silly Alien?'

And that's really all I had to say today, you're all awesome and feel free to comment with anything you want.
Bye for now, I suppose.

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