
Monday 23 September 2013

Manga Review: Witch Buster

Aren't you guys lucky? Getting two reviews in one day, haha. This is for a manga called Witch Buster.

It gives off a sort of Soul Eater vibe, especially the cover's font and the little grinning thing in blue, so if you enjoyed Soul Eater, give this a read. Although it isn't the same, it's quite unique and interesting, At first I wasn't sure how much I would like it but after reading the first chapter I was hooked. The characters are invigorating, the artwork is captivating and the dialogue is perfect. Not to mention the little mascot, Halloween (that pumpkin on the front).
The main character is the stingy Witch Hunter, Tasha Godspell, a guy that's shrouded in mystery and loves every cent that he can get his hands on.
It's funny and only takes a second before you can't put it down (at least in my case).
So, I'm sorry about this being such a short review but I felt the need to keep writing and this is what happened, it's a fun series and I'm secretly hoping for an anime.
I look forward to talking to you guys again and as always feel free to leave any comments and/or suggestions on anything.

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