
Wednesday 25 September 2013

It's Thursday Guys! Or Sites We Love (Besides This One)

So today it's Thursday and as it's Thursday, it means that anything goes!
So, let's see what crazy things will pop up today!

Resigned and Despairing Life Motto Six:
Life is finally having some free time but actually having hardly anything to do

As we're on the topic of boredom, allow me to introduce some (probably well-known) sites that I frequent for curing boredom;

"You're bored right now, aren't you? Good thing you found! We;re on a mission to spread laughter and cure boredom. The images you'll find here are infectiously funny. ... You'll find everything from memes, rage comics, entertaining quotes, wonderfully geeky anecdotes and extraordinary photos, all submitted by other members of the tickld community. ... You're invited to participate in the fun. Post, vote, share, comment and, if you're feeling bold, turn off safe mode for bonus laughs."                     
Although FML doesn't have an interesting banner or flavour text, it has hilarious, sad or weird stories that have happened to people all over the globe. Whether their life sucks or they deserved it you can vote and comment on their stories, and share your own.When you're down there's nothing better than looking at people with worse problems.

Now, you've all heard about the customer always being right? Well this site is here to tell you that sometimes they are very wrong - it's not only is there Not Always Right, but their sister sites, and

The last entertaining site I have for now is where you can laugh at and be confused by Photoshop jobs that range from terrible to just damn unnatural!

Alright, that's all I have for now guys, I'll talk to you again soon.
And as always feel free to leave comments and hi-five to any Ticklrs that read this!

Also, I don't know if you'll notice or really care but I've fixed up the few pictures that went over the post's border.

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