
Friday 22 November 2013

Soon My Pretties!

So, as you all probably know by now, I am a massive Legend of Zelda fan, and tomorrow the Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (only Zelda title to feature a B in it's name) is coming out, I also pre-ordered the 3DS XL!

So, as tomorrow is also a Saturday (for me anyway) I shall be writing a little piece about my first impressions of the game, as it is set out differently to the other recent Zelda games (e.g. top-down view, dungeons may be explored in any order, etc.)

So, tune in for tomorrow's post (hopefully, depends on whether I get the XL or not).

Stay cool guys~!

Also, who here loves Ike too? (I know I do).

Saturday 16 November 2013

The Chronicles of Charles Vi Endless is Starting Up

My other blog, which is more of a story/web-comic about a 900 year old vampire named Charles Vi Endless.
I hope you guys all enjoy it or at least take a look at it;
You can find him here -

Thanks, stay awesome guys!

Sorry about the lack of updating for Silly Alien, but I'll be fixing that soon guys!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Inari Boku will be Starting Soon!

So, I'm (finally) starting my comedy comic series staring Chibi Taro (who is my shiba) and Okorimakuri (my cat - who I haven't included in the picture due to time constraints) but, it will be appearing very soon and then it will be updated monthly, or bi-monthly depending on the time I have.

*On a technical note, the food he's holding is onigiri, not inari, but that's just for now... and I'll also be adding the other character, Okorimakuri into the picture soon.

Stay awesome guys!

Saturday 9 November 2013

Tada~! Look Up!

So I'm sure you've all seen my Silly Alien's new banner and background design (which will not stay for long).
I'm sure you all know what that means, I've gotten my graphics tablet!

But in case you haven't looked at the top of the page, this is what it looks like!
So, now all we need to do is name our little alien mascot! You guys know what you have to do now? That's right! Comment either on this post or my Google + profile on what his name should be!
And whoever comes up with his name will get a free plush of him! And those will soon be available to buy as well, maybe there'll even be plushes of Okorimakuri, which will be much better behaved.

Anyway, for now it's time for me to end this post here.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

I'm Getting a Shiba!

So, the reason  (or not so much) that I haven't posted anything recently is because I'm getting a Shiba Inu very soon, I've found a great breeder who I'm going to buy him off (yes, I'm getting a boy puppy) and I'm so excited!

Also, yesterday I was in Sydney and I saw this big, stocky dog does anyone know what breed he is? Apologies that the pictures aren't very good.
But leave a comment if you have an idea of what he might be.
It's just a quick little post for now because it's (nearly) impossible to use blogger on my phone.
Ja mata (see you soon) guys!
Kitsu out~

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Let's Be Awesome - Ylvis edition

So guys, I'm sure everybody has heard of "The Fox" by Ylvis now, so it's time for extra-late-I-don't-know-why-I'm-doing-this coverage of the actual comedy duo that created it. 

They're a Norwegian comedy duo, originally from Bergen. Ylvis is brothers Bard and Vergard Tylvisaker. They do have some other videos but they're in Norwegian, but there hilarious songs are all in English, such as Stonehenge, Pressure, The Cabin and Someone Like Me.

So, this has basically become a short post because I forgot what I was originally meant to be talking about...

But, as soon as I finish Pokemon X I'll be doing a post about that. And soon, soon(!) I shall have a YouTube video up guys. As soon as I can work out my evil technology!

Stay awesome guys~!

Sunday 13 October 2013

My Day As a General Post - Talk With Kitsuyurei

So, I'm sitting here, eating my hot instant chicken noodles, going through various tabs on Google Chrome, thinking of how to spend my day. Occasionally I return to this one, pausing momentarily before returning to my other thoughts.

I'm bored, Aiken (my boyfriend - that's his nickname) is out of the house, I can't find my 3DS charger and have nothing new to watch or read. So, let's have a conversation... please.
I'm online on Google + right now, so, say hello or something.

Thanks guys.

Also, I'm still looking for a new background for Silly Alien.

You're awesome guys.

Ja mata.

Failing at Videos Part 2

Well guys, as most of you know I attempted to start a play through of Alice the Madness Returns only for the recording not to work.
Today I tried to do a recording of the Stanley Parable - only for the wrong thing to be recorded...
Why does my laptop hate me...

Sorry, also I'm eating my lunch right now, so I'll add a proper update in a few moments or hours or so

Stay cool guys.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Why is Your Nose in the Middle of Your Face? Because it's the Scent-er!

So guys, today let us discuss becoming disillusioned with life... like this penguin.

Or not really, today I'm going to talk about ideas.
Or more so, the lack thereof.
So, we'll discuss my life, (or really, just a pretext for some fun puns~)

I recently changed my IPod's name to Titanic, it's syncing now.

I was at the supermarket the other day, and I ran into this girl who said she met me at the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore. (nor gone to the vegetarian club - I need bacon!)

Has anyone heard about the cross-eyed teacher that lost their job? They were fired because they couldn't control their pupils.

Once I had a job at a bakery, it was because I kneaded the dough.

It has come to my attention that a successful diet is the triumph of mind over platter.

When I last got a blood test done, they said I had Type-A but that was a Type-O. 

Another thing that came from being at the doctor's is learning that a bladder infection means that urine trouble!

And those are all the puns I have for now. I hope you guys enjoyed!

Like for more puns and comment anything really, especially more puns!
You're awesome guys, and bye for now!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

It's Pun-Pun O'clock - Musical Edition

Well, when I say 'pun-pun' I'm not talking about that ridiculously overpowered Kobold, I'm actually talking about puns.

So, I've been diagnosed with Tom Jones disease.
Luckily the doctor says it's not unusual.

I asked if I could borrow Rick Astley's Pixar DVD collection.
He said, "I'll lend you Monster's Inc, Finding Nemo, Cars, Toy Story and Brave.
But I'm never gonna give you Up."

So, please leave any comments.
Like this post and follow my blog.
Also, if you have any puns fitting this theme, or any puns in general comment down bellow.
Have fun guys and I'll talk to you soon.

Sunday 29 September 2013

What Day is It? Also, Grimm Fairy Tales - The Juniper Tree

So, Monday has rolled around once more and that means... absolutely nothing right now!
That's right you sharp eyed label watchers, Monday means it's story time (or at least one Monday every month - which works out to be about one story every month). And seeing as this is the last Monday in September and you, my lovely audience are relatively tale-less, I'll be seeing what I can do for you today. Unfortunately it won't be more of Words but, I should be having more of that story up soon.

Well... actually it turns out there is a bit of a mishap going on here.
You see, the story I was planning to use, Under the Juniper Tree, which is finished and Part I of the Vincent Edelstein Series is saved to some USB somewhere and not on my computer... so for now you can enjoy the first paragraph as I started it on the laptop I'm currently using before saving it somewhere else;

The sound of the train bellowed long and low through the air, singing a sad song once again. Wind churned beneath my feet, edging its way up my skin and into my nerves. I couldn’t bear to glance down, but then took the initiative. I glanced down to gaze upon the dried blood stains remaining from last night’s murder. It was seemingly obvious to myself that even as Scotland Yard proclaims of the ‘safety through advancement of technology’ another senseless murder is being committed. There is, granted, the occasional case that can only be solved with such advancements however the majority of senseless deaths are from random muggings. Not that it has any relevance to me, not currently anyway not unless I take a step to far to the East End of London. Today however, there will be no chance of that seeing as I am taking the train to Essex visiting an old school friend, Flint Monroe.
Glancing down at the ticket after the station master made his announcement I stepped forward, but only slightly, to wait for the approaching train to stop before carrying my meagre leather suitcase and myself onto the Essex bound locomotive.

The Vincent Edelstein Series is based off of Grimm's Fairy Tales which I had gotten a collection of at the time I wrote this. The Juniper Tree is one of my favourites, so I'll share it with you, although it might give some insight into what will happen in Under the Juniper Tree it'll still be worth reading once I locate it again, haha.


The Juniper Tree

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Long ago, at least two thousand years, there was a rich man who had a beautiful and pious wife, and they loved each other dearly. However, they had no children, though they wished very much to have some, and the woman prayed for them day and night, but they didn't get any, and they didn't get any.
In front of their house there was a courtyard where there stood a juniper tree. One day in winter the woman was standing beneath it, peeling herself an apple, and while she was thus peeling the apple, she cut her finger, and the blood fell into the snow.
"Oh," said the woman. She sighed heavily, looked at the blood before her, and was most unhappy. "If only I had a child as red as blood and as white as snow." And as she said that, she became quite contented, and felt sure that it was going to happen.
Then she went into the house, and a month went by, and the snow was gone. And two months, and everything was green. And three months, and all the flowers came out of the earth. And four months, and all the trees in the woods grew thicker, and the green branches were all entwined in one another, and the birds sang until the woods resounded and the blossoms fell from the trees. Then the fifth month passed, and she stood beneath thejuniper tree, which smelled so sweet that her heart jumped for joy, and she fell on her knees and was beside herself. And when the sixth month was over, the fruit was thick and large, and then she was quite still. And after the seventh month she picked the juniper berries and ate them greedily. Then she grew sick and sorrowful. Then the eighth month passed, and she called her husband to her, and cried, and said, "If I die, then bury me beneath the juniper tree." Then she was quite comforted and happy until the next month was over, and then she had a child as white as snow and as red as blood, and when she saw it, she was so happy that she died.
Her husband buried her beneath the juniper tree, and he began to cry bitterly. After some time he was more at ease, and although he still cried, he could bear it. And some time later he took another wife.
He had a daughter by the second wife, but the first wife's child was a little son, and he was as red as blood and as white as snow. When the woman looked at her daughter, she loved her very much, but then she looked at the little boy, and it pierced her heart, for she thought that he would always stand in her way, and she was always thinking how she could get the entire inheritance for her daughter. And the Evil One filled her mind with this until she grew very angry with the little boy, and she pushed him from one corner to the other and slapped him here and cuffed him there, until the poor child was always afraid, for when he came home from school there was nowhere he could find any peace.
One day the woman had gone upstairs to her room, when her little daughter came up too, and said, "Mother, give me an apple."
"Yes, my child," said the woman, and gave her a beautiful apple out of the chest. The chest had a large heavy lid with a large sharp iron lock.
"Mother," said the little daughter, "is brother not to have one too?"
This made the woman angry, but she said, "Yes, when he comes home from school."
When from the window she saw him coming, it was as though the Evil One came over her, and she grabbed the apple and took it away from her daughter, saying, "You shall not have one before your brother."
She threw the apple into the chest, and shut it. Then the little boy came in the door, and the Evil One made her say to him kindly, "My son, do you want an apple?" And she looked at him fiercely.
"Mother," said the little boy, "how angry you look. Yes, give me an apple."
Then it seemed to her as if she had to persuade him. "Come with me," she said, opening the lid of the chest. "Take out an apple for yourself." And while the little boy was leaning over, the Evil One prompted her, and crash! she slammed down the lid, and his head flew off, falling among the red apples.
Then fear overcame her, and she thought, "Maybe I can get out of this." So she went upstairs to her room to her chest of drawers, and took a white scarf out of the top drawer, and set the head on the neck again, tying the scarf around it so that nothing could be seen. Then she set him on a chair in front of the door and put the apple in his hand.
After this Marlene came into the kitchen to her mother, who was standing by the fire with a pot of hot water before her which she was stirring around and around.
"Mother," said Marlene, "brother is sitting at the door, and he looks totally white and has an apple in his hand. I asked him to give me the apple, but he did not answer me, and I was very frightened."
"Go back to him," said her mother, "and if he will not answer you, then box his ears."
So Marlene went to him and said, "Brother, give me the apple." But he was silent, so she gave him one on the ear, and his head fell off. Marlene was terrified, and began crying and screaming, and ran to her mother, and said, "Oh, mother, I have knocked my brother's head off," and she cried and cried and could not be comforted.
"Marlene," said the mother, "what have you done? Be quiet and don't let anyone know about it. It cannot be helped now. We will cook him into stew."
Then the mother took the little boy and chopped him in pieces, put him into the pot, and cooked him into stew. But Marlene stood by crying and crying, and all her tears fell into the pot, and they did not need any salt.
Then the father came home, and sat down at the table and said, "Where is my son?" And the mother served up a large, large dish of stew, and Marlene cried and could not stop.
Then the father said again, "Where is my son?"
"Oh," said the mother, "he has gone across the country to his mother's great uncle. He will stay there awhile."
"What is he doing there? He did not even say good-bye to me."
"Oh, he wanted to go, and asked me if he could stay six weeks. He will be well taken care of there."
"Oh," said the man, "I am unhappy. It isn't right. He should have said good-bye to me." With that he began to eat, saying, "Marlene, why are you crying? Your brother will certainly come back."
Then he said, "Wife, this food is delicious. Give me some more." And the more he ate the more he wanted, and he said, "Give me some more. You two shall have none of it. It seems to me as if it were all mine." And he ate and ate, throwing all the bones under the table, until he had finished it all.
Marlene went to her chest of drawers, took her best silk scarf from the bottom drawer, and gathered all the bones from beneath the table and tied them up in her silk scarf, then carried them outside the door, crying tears of blood.
She laid them down beneath the juniper tree on the green grass, and after she had put them there, she suddenly felt better and did not cry anymore.
Then the juniper tree began to move. The branches moved apart, then moved together again, just as if someone were rejoicing and clapping his hands. At the same time a mist seemed to rise from the tree, and in the center of this mist it burned like a fire, and a beautiful bird flew out of the fire singing magnificently, and it flew high into the air, and when it was gone, the juniper tree was just as it had been before, and the cloth with the bones was no longer there. Marlene, however, was as happy and contented as if her brother were still alive. And she went merrily into the house, sat down at the table, and ate.
Then the bird flew away and lit on a goldsmith's house, and began to sing:
My mother, she killed me,
My father, he ate me,
My sister Marlene,
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
The goldsmith was sitting in his workshop making a golden chain, when he heard the bird sitting on his roof and singing. The song seemed very beautiful to him. He stood up, but as he crossed the threshold he lost one of his slippers. However, he went right up the middle of the street with only one slipper and one sock on. He had his leather apron on, and in one hand he had a golden chain and in the other his tongs. The sun was shining brightly on the street.
He walked onward, then stood still and said to the bird, "Bird," he said, "how beautifully you can sing. Sing that piece again for me."
"No," said the bird, "I do not sing twice for nothing. Give me the golden chain, and then I will sing it again for you."
The goldsmith said, "Here is the golden chain for you. Now sing that song again for me." Then the bird came and took the golden chain in his right claw, and went and sat in front of the goldsmith, and sang:
My mother, she killed me,
My father, he ate me,
My sister Marlene,
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
Then the bird flew away to a shoemaker, and lit on his roof and sang:
My mother, she killed me,
My father, he ate me,
My sister Marlene,
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
Hearing this, the shoemaker ran out of doors in his shirtsleeves, and looked up at his roof, and had to hold his hand in front of his eyes to keep the sun from blinding him. "Bird," said he, "how beautifully you can sing."
Then he called in at his door, "Wife, come outside. There is a bird here. Look at this bird. He certainly can sing." Then he called his daughter and her children, and the journeyman, and the apprentice, and the maid, and they all came out into the street and looked at the bird and saw how beautiful he was, and what fine red and green feathers he had, and how his neck was like pure gold, and how his eyes shone like stars in his head.
"Bird," said the shoemaker, "now sing that song again for me."
"No," said the bird, "I do not sing twice for nothing. You must give me something."
"Wife," said the man, "go into the shop. There is a pair of red shoes on the top shelf. Bring them down." Then the wife went and brought the shoes.
"There, bird," said the man, "now sing that piece again for me." Then the bird came and took the shoes in his left claw, and flew back to the roof, and sang:
My mother, she killed me,
My father, he ate me,
My sister Marlene,
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
When he had finished his song he flew away. In his right claw he had the chain and in his left one the shoes. He flew far away to a mill, and the mill went clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack. In the mill sat twenty miller's apprentices cutting a stone, and chiseling chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop. And the mill went clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack.
Then the bird went and sat on a linden tree which stood in front of the mill, and sang:
My mother, she killed me,
Then one of them stopped working.
My father, he ate me,
Then two more stopped working and listened,
My sister Marlene,
Then four more stopped,
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Now only eight only were chiseling,
Laid them beneath
Now only five,
the juniper tree,
Now only one,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
Then the last one stopped also, and heard the last words. "Bird," said he, "how beautifully you sing. Let me hear that too. Sing it once more for me."
"No," said the bird, "I do not sing twice for nothing. Give me the millstone, and then I will sing it again."
"Yes," he said, "if it belonged only to me, you should have it."
"Yes," said the others, "if he sings again he can have it."
Then the bird came down, and the twenty millers took a beam and lifted the stone up. Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho!
The bird stuck his neck through the hole and put the stone on as if it were a collar, then flew to the tree again, and sang:
My mother, she killed me,
My father, he ate me,
My sister Marlene,
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
When he was finished singing, he spread his wings, and in his right claw he had the chain, and in his left one the shoes, and around his neck the millstone. He flew far away to his father's house.
In the room the father, the mother, and Marlene were sitting at the table.
The father said, "I feel so contented. I am so happy."
"Not I," said the mother, "I feel uneasy, just as if a bad storm were coming."
But Marlene just sat and cried and cried.
Then the bird flew up, and as it seated itself on the roof, the father said, "Oh, I feel so truly happy, and the sun is shining so beautifully outside. I feel as if I were about to see some old acquaintance again."
"Not I," said the woman, "I am so afraid that my teeth are chattering, and I feel like I have fire in my veins." And she tore open her bodice even more. Marlene sat in a corner crying. She held a handkerchief before her eyes and cried until it was wet clear through.
Then the bird seated itself on the juniper tree, and sang:
My mother, she killed me,
The mother stopped her ears and shut her eyes, not wanting to see or hear, but there was a roaring in her ears like the fiercest storm, and her eyes burned and flashed like lightning.
My father, he ate me,
"Oh, mother," said the man, "that is a beautiful bird. He is singing so splendidly, and the sun is shining so warmly, and it smells like pure cinnamon."
My sister Marlene,
Then Marlene laid her head on her knees and cried and cried, but the man said, "I am going out. I must see the bird up close."
"Oh, don't go," said the woman, "I feel as if the whole house were shaking and on fire."
But the man went out and looked at the bird.
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
With this the bird dropped the golden chain, and it fell right around the man's neck, so exactly around it that it fit beautifully. Then the man went in and said, "Just look what a beautiful bird that is, and what a beautiful golden chain he has given me, and how nice it looks."
But the woman was terrified. She fell down on the floor in the room, and her cap fell off her head. Then the bird sang once more:
My mother killed me.
"I wish I were a thousand fathoms beneath the earth, so I would not have to hear that!"
My father, he ate me,
Then the woman fell down as if she were dead.
My sister Marlene,
"Oh," said Marlene, "I too will go out and see if the bird will give me something." Then she went out.
Gathered all my bones,
Tied them in a silken scarf,
He threw the shoes down to her.
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.
Then she was contented and happy. She put on the new red shoes and danced and leaped into the house. "Oh," she said, "I was so sad when I went out and now I am so contented. That is a splendid bird, he has given me a pair of red shoes."
"No," said the woman, jumping to her feet and with her hair standing up like flames of fire, "I feel as if the world were coming to an end. I too, will go out and see if it makes me feel better."
And as she went out the door, crash! the bird threw the millstone on her head, and it crushed her to death.
The father and Marlene heard it and went out. Smoke, flames, and fire were rising from the place, and when that was over, the little brother was standing there, and he took his father and Marlene by the hand, and all three were very happy, and they went into the house, sat down at the table, and ate.

And wow, that just made my post very long, oops! Anyway, you can find it here -

I hope everyone has a fabulous day, I love you all, and I hope you enjoyed this rather unorthodox post, but anyway. Bye for now, I suppose.\

And, I almost forgot - here's the daily picture quota for today;

I'm mentally sending you all some life giving hugs!

Also, two three things I forgot to mention;
I. As soon as I get my graphics tablet I'll be making a comic for you guys and putting up an artwork page on Silly Alien.
II. I completely blanked on what I was meant to be saying here and it was important too, dammit! But I may as well mention that, I have a Google + as you will see with the page tab at the top of Silly Alien, so if ever you guys need someone to talk to or laugh with, just give me a 'hey' or something.
III. I remember what I wanted to say - I want to change the design of my blog but really don't have the know-how, so if anyone has any cool blog designs they'd like to share, send them to me through my Google + or my gmail - - boring I know, and I'll give anyone who sends them in a shout-out and the person whose design I choose will win some sort of prize.

That is all.

And I know I said it already but, you rule and good-bye for now!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

It's Thursday Guys! Or Sites We Love (Besides This One)

So today it's Thursday and as it's Thursday, it means that anything goes!
So, let's see what crazy things will pop up today!

Resigned and Despairing Life Motto Six:
Life is finally having some free time but actually having hardly anything to do

As we're on the topic of boredom, allow me to introduce some (probably well-known) sites that I frequent for curing boredom;

"You're bored right now, aren't you? Good thing you found! We;re on a mission to spread laughter and cure boredom. The images you'll find here are infectiously funny. ... You'll find everything from memes, rage comics, entertaining quotes, wonderfully geeky anecdotes and extraordinary photos, all submitted by other members of the tickld community. ... You're invited to participate in the fun. Post, vote, share, comment and, if you're feeling bold, turn off safe mode for bonus laughs."                     
Although FML doesn't have an interesting banner or flavour text, it has hilarious, sad or weird stories that have happened to people all over the globe. Whether their life sucks or they deserved it you can vote and comment on their stories, and share your own.When you're down there's nothing better than looking at people with worse problems.

Now, you've all heard about the customer always being right? Well this site is here to tell you that sometimes they are very wrong - it's not only is there Not Always Right, but their sister sites, and

The last entertaining site I have for now is where you can laugh at and be confused by Photoshop jobs that range from terrible to just damn unnatural!

Alright, that's all I have for now guys, I'll talk to you again soon.
And as always feel free to leave comments and hi-five to any Ticklrs that read this!

Also, I don't know if you'll notice or really care but I've fixed up the few pictures that went over the post's border.

Who Says I Have to Follow a Schedule? A.K.A. I'm playing Dungeons and Dragons! A.K.A. This Title is far too Long

So, to explain the labels of this post - 'Anything Goes Thursday' and 'Bad Pun Tuesday'
Well, seeing as it's Wednesday, it's in the middle of Tuesday and Thursday
And seeing as there are definitely bad puns in this post and that it's Wednesday and I'm doing what I want, that explains the two labels, in a more or less kind of way.
Haha, I love you guys (also, I'm totally not drunk).

So, my friends and I are finally getting around to playing more Dungeons and Dragons (nerds!) - it's awesome, seriously - and I will actually be the Dungeon Master! Hell yeah!
Which means, guys, that I will be a God among mortals! Hahahahaha! (I'm totally not going power crazy).
Well, I just wanted to hear your lovely Dungeons and Dragons (or even general RPG tales) and hear any ideas you guys have for us to mess with.
Anyway, really I just wanted to post for the hell of it, and because everyone is taking too long to make their characters so I thought 'why not update Silly Alien?'

And that's really all I had to say today, you're all awesome and feel free to comment with anything you want.
Bye for now, I suppose.

Monday 23 September 2013

Manga Review: Witch Buster

Aren't you guys lucky? Getting two reviews in one day, haha. This is for a manga called Witch Buster.

It gives off a sort of Soul Eater vibe, especially the cover's font and the little grinning thing in blue, so if you enjoyed Soul Eater, give this a read. Although it isn't the same, it's quite unique and interesting, At first I wasn't sure how much I would like it but after reading the first chapter I was hooked. The characters are invigorating, the artwork is captivating and the dialogue is perfect. Not to mention the little mascot, Halloween (that pumpkin on the front).
The main character is the stingy Witch Hunter, Tasha Godspell, a guy that's shrouded in mystery and loves every cent that he can get his hands on.
It's funny and only takes a second before you can't put it down (at least in my case).
So, I'm sorry about this being such a short review but I felt the need to keep writing and this is what happened, it's a fun series and I'm secretly hoping for an anime.
I look forward to talking to you guys again and as always feel free to leave any comments and/or suggestions on anything.

Game Review: The Last Remnant

Well hello again guys, it seems like I'm merely talking about games and books now, but anyways let's carry on until I can think of new material. Sorry about that guys, but anyway today, as you can see by the picture at the top I'm talking about the Last Remnant. It's a game made by Square Enix and I bought it on Steam for a downright steal of ten dollars!*
It is excellent, as to be expected from the company that creates Final Fantasy, Drawn to Life or Dragon Quest. The graphics are fantastic and the game-play is phenomenal. I have to say, however that the battle system took a bit of time for me to get the hang of.
The main guy is the one featured in the picture above, called Rush and his mission in life is to find his sister who was kidnapped by these mysterious guys and a giant monster which later turns out to be a thing called a Remnant - but I won't spoil it for you. Anyway, it seems his search starts (or at least the opening scene) is of this idiot, Rush, well rushing into a battlefield towards someone who looks like his sister in the barest sense of the word, considering she's at least old enough to be this guy's mother. But, that stupid action sets  his journey off.
There are lots of things I like about this game, the confusing but clever battle system, the innovative characters, the beautiful graphics, the humour and the characters. It's definitely a wonder that it's so amazingly cheap too.*
If you're a fan of Square Enix's RPG I suggest at least checking out this game in more  detail, because it's spectacular.

*I can't guarantee that the price will be the same for you, that's just what it was when I bought it, but good luck.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Game Review: Shelter

Hey guys! I'm finally able to update again, and once again I'll fill with an awesome review!
So, I recently bought this adorable green-light game on Steam called Shelter, where you play as a mother badger protecting her young.
It's really fun and it was only a matter of minutes before I was completely absorbed in protecting my babies and would be constantly checking around. The graphics are interesting and really beautiful, the little badgers all have different markers to make them extra unique and special and they make little squeaking noises, it's so cute.
There are lots of different threats posed to the mama and her young, such as predators, starvation and the changing seasons. So you have to channel your inner badger and make quick and rational decisions to ensure the survival of all the kids.
For anyone who's played Journey on the PlayStation, it's kind of like that with it's subtle meaning except with badgers. It's not very expensive and I find it really awesome to play, I recommend you guys all give it a try!

I'm also going to (hopefully) be back on feet and keep up the blogging regularly, fingers crossed guys and hope that I gain some discipline!
You're all awesome and I'll post again soon!
Also, don't be afraid to leave comments or ideas for other games/shows/books for me to review.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Anime Review: Watashi ga Moten­ai no wa Dou Kan­gaetemo Omaera g­a Warui!

Okay, well today I discovered this anime and have been watching it since, and so far I've watched six episodes so you guys can work that out. It's called Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! Which means, No Matter How I Look at it, I'm Not Popular Because of all of You! Which is condesend into Watamote.

The main character is the girl in the picture above ^ Tomoko Kuroki. A crazy, overreacting, game, anime and manga loving High School-er except Tomoko is incredibly shy, not that she realises that. Although the opening of the anime is her in middle school reading an online news article about 'unpopular girls' and exclaims that she will definitely be popular and have a boyfriend once she starts high school. However, two months in and she hasn't even talked to anyone! The anime (and manga - which I need to get around to buying and reading) then focuses on her millions of insane schemes to try and become popular. It's hilarious, and sometimes there are moments that just make you go 'oh no!' I really enjoy it and as soon as I post this I'm going back to watching it! :3
There's only one thing that bugs me, Tomoko's old friend from middle school, she reminds me of Shiemi Moriyama from Blue Exorcist, what do you guys think?
Pretty similar, except for the eye colour, I'm not saying there was a plagirism issue or anything, just that I can't remember her name and always think "Shiemi-chan!" when she comes on, and I really just wanted to share my opinion.
Anyway, try and have a look at Watamote! Bye-bye for now~

Monday 2 September 2013

Game Review: Fire Emblem Awakening

Over the past four days I have returned to another favourite and classic series - Fire Emblem. In this new tale of the epic chronicles we encounter some familiar and beloved characters, as well as equally fantastic new ones - especially through the edition of DLCs and the ability to create your own character (mine is a tall cool looking, experienced, twenty-eight year old male with red hair and an easy-going personality by the name of Hachiro)! This time, we take on the role of a mysterious person who becomes Chrom's (the Prince and your co-star for main character) Tactician. Another thing Awakening adds is awesome battle scenes! After choosing a foe for you troop to battle it then enters an epic 3D cut-scene! There are two different types of cut-scenes in Awakening, one similar in style to the battle cut-scene in which the characters are more 3D and sprite-ish looking and the other where they appear in more of an anime style, however when it's done in the second style your character isn't shown.
Something that everyone who's played the game will remember, is the fact that when someone dies - they're dead. Well in Awakening there is no such trouble, you can play the game in either Classic or Another Mode of Which I Cannot Remember the Name, in classic mode troops are dead forever, in the other mode they're gone until the end of the battle but whichever mode you pick the game is over when the main character dies. Another semi-irritating feature that remains is that your weapons break! It's horrible when that happens mid-battle and that unit is left defenseless... but it adds to the base strategic element and attraction of the Fire Emblem series.
The storyline, as expected of a Fire Emblem game, is deep, exciting and I got completely lost inside of it! There are exciting twists and turns and all sorts of fun side stories, even more with the DLCs! Another extra feature is the 'Hubba Tester' where this guy called Old Hubba gauges how the characters really feel about each other, although it's just for fun and not really based on anything in-game I still have fun seeing how everyone feels about ol' Hachiro.
I'm sure you guys can all tell that I love this game, and naturally I'm giving it 5/5 stars, it continues the legacy of its predecessors while adding new, unique and memorable things too. There were epic moments, comical moments, cute moments and heart-stopping moments! I highly recommend Fire Emblem Awakening and all others in the series! Now I'm off to continue playing! And I'll draw you guys Hachiro later!

Saturday 24 August 2013

I'm Too Lazy

I'm sorry guys I'm way too lazy for my own good, as I still haven't done my YouTube video for you guys, sorry! I'll get onto it soon!
Yeah, it's beginning to seem like my 'coming soon' is equivalent to the BBC's 'coming soon' any Sherlockians (is that even the right term... I'm thinking Whovian...) here?

Words Part One

Alright guys, so I know it's not Monday but bear with me on this, it's something I've been thinking about for a long time and the main character I've had in my head for even longer so I'll post more as I write it. Thanks and I hope you enjoy!
~Kitsuyurei Jokyoku  ©
 P.S. I need chapter titles, if anyone has ideas or tips for how to improve it.
My Grandfather, whilst he was still alive, would sit in the old faded, red fabric chair and recount the tale of this one day - while he was merely a teenage boy – it began to snow. But this snow was not the same flittering, unremarkable snow of which most people of his generation would call to mind – no. This snow didn’t stop, not for night or day, or the ending of winter nor spring, summer or anything else. It simply kept on snowing and snowing until the whole Earth (as far as land masses went) was completely covered with the white fluff.
In fact it’s still snowing now, several decades later and no-one knows why, naturally there are those wacked theorists who bounce about creating nonsensical conspiracies. Rarely it’s some religious figure claiming it’s the divine wrath of this God or that Goddess or these Gods, but after my father’s time these people seem to be vastly dwindling, in fact in my opinion the most highly practiced and all-consuming religion is war.
For not too many years after the continuous snowfall a war broke out when the communist nations decided to legion together, led by Russia and China against the now ‘Crown Alliance’ sporting Great Britain as its head (after many bad choices America’s power as a ‘great nation’ quickly disappeared into the bowels of history books). After the communistic alliance, the civil war ended and the real fighting began after Russia’s stark refusal for ethical sharing of resources. With the nation’s extensive land set up large, highly controlled domes to produce a variety of foods, both plant and animal variations. Although despite the former exaltations of ‘going green’ in a world of over ninety-percent snow and ice, grass is something rarely seen, not to mention species of flora and fauna not widely considered a useful food source and the majority of them are believed to be extinct, along with human spirit.
My father, when properly introduced is Major Gilligan St Reid and as someone who went to great lengths buying and restoring thousands of books (as they have taken a back shelf in today’s affairs) named me Sherlock St Reid, after the popular character and series ‘Sherlock Holmes’ my father’s personal favourite amongst his collection. Similar to my father, I have also been granted the rank of Major, not that great of a fete considering all able members of society – both genders - are drafted into the military at sixteen, the leaving age for females being twenty-five, males being thirty to aptly control soldiers and the produce of children (read: future soldiers). Through some God of luck I’ve lasted long enough to reach twenty-four, this fact, for anyone with basic adding talent, means I only have six more damnable years of this intellectually stagnant existence until I’m sent home to conceive a child with some female war hero.

Thursday 15 August 2013

I'm Finally Back

Okay guys, first off, I'm terribly sorry but it turns out I had a horrible lung infection so I've been out of commission for a while now. But, I'm back and I've just finished recording my first YouTube video! It's the beginning of a play through for Alice: The Madness Returns which is an awesome game (in my opinion).
Anyway, hopefully you guys will come back to reading this now, and once again I'm terribly sorry.

Well... I've just discovered that after half an hour or more recording the Alice video, it's not going to work... I'm sorry, I'll try again...

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Apologies Guys

Sorry again for not updating as planned, but I've gotten pretty sick, so I promise that once I'm all good again, I'll have a special treat for all of you.
Sorry again.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Draw Adventure Time

Hey guys, how are you all?
Today I'm just going to gibe you all a little Adventure Time drawing I did, I've been a little off lately, sorry guys, I'll fix this up soon.
The favourite pairing of my boyfriend and I is Gumlee
Not to mention this is also a day late I'm so sorry guys.
Anyway, who or what is your favourite character/pairing/etc

And for my American friends Happy 4th of July! (Although here in Australia it's actually July 5th)

Monday 1 July 2013

Some Visual Puns!

Hey guys, I'm sorry about this one (a little) I'm feeling a bit under the weather...
But anyway, these are still puntastic, haha

Sunday 30 June 2013

More Socializing or Something of That Nature

Okay guys, first of all we have my lovely, shiny Google + page!
So I suppose, I'll start sharing all my posts from here, to there as well!

And next, is my Youtube channel! It's really boring at the moment, but soon (probably next Goodies and Games Saturday) I'll have a lovely video up for you guys~!

Resigned and Despairing Life Motto Four:
Life is getting confused by all these things... sadly it's partly true...

Resigned and Despairing Life Motto Five:
Life is having this crash on you right before posting... further causing another despairing life motto...

Wednesday 26 June 2013

John Marsden Prize

Okay guys, for today's Anything Goes Thursday I'll be talking about the John Marsden Prize for Young Writers.
Now, John Marsden is an Australian author and teacher/principal and he wrote the 'Tomorrow When the War Began' series. And now he has started up this award, where he judges and donates the prize money for four young Australian writers. The catergories are;

  • 18-25 short story or first chapter of a novel
  • 18-25 poem
  • 18 and under short story or first chapter of a novel
  • 18 and under poetry
Now, I'm going to enter a short story (or maybe a novel chapter I don't know) and see how that goes down.
I'll post little bits up here as I go along but I cannot post my entry until after the competition and I'll post it on a Story Time Monday.

Anime: 07 Ghost  It's awesome, check it out.

And I suppose, that now, in the immortal words of Porky Pig - "that's all folks"
I'll see you guys later!

Oh, and let's see... since no-ones commented thus far (I'm so unpopular, haha) the first one to comment on any of my posts gets some sort of prize I don't know... a story... a picture? Something... they can request anything I suppose...
And now for the flood of comments... or not... haha

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Japanese Related Puns

Sumimasen guys, but today's post will be relatively short...

Okay, pun number one!

"Why didn't the Japanese man pick up the snake...?"

"Because it was too Hebi!"

Hebi = snake in Japanese

And the second one is a little trick way of remembering things, I'll post more later.

So, to remember the date America was discovered - 1492 just say "Iyo! Kuni ga mieta!" - "Wow! There's land!"

I - 1
Yo - 4
Ku - 9
Ni - 2


Resigned and Despairing Life Motto Three:
Life is being a dog person and having a cat.

(But I love Okorimakuri)

Friday 21 June 2013

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

So the number one thing you need to know about me is that I mother-freaking love the Legend of Zelda.
My boyfriend and a friend are getting me a replica Hylian Shield and Master Sword for my birthday (I'll post pictures when I get them). So, even though this game has been out for some time, it's naturally going to be the first thing I talk about on Game Thursday, okay. This is the reason I bought the 3DS (and unfortunately got mine just before they released the Legend of Zelda 3DS... heartbreaking, I know...

But, anyway...

I loved this, even though I've finished the Main Quest and Master Quest a couple of times, I spend hours playing this game.
I love the game play
I love the art.
The characters.
The epic music.
It's beautiful, just like all LoZ games are.

Just a few notes;
1. Navi
If you divert from the Questline just a little to get some hidden Easter eggs, (e.g. collecting all 100 Golden Skulltulas) then Navi will get all in your face like some independent black woman "Hey!" ... "Hey, Link!" ... "Listen!" Seriously... Navi, don't you care about realising that poor family from their curse? Or getting the fourth bottle? Just calm the fuck down and let me cut this grass.

2. The Water Temple
As always, it lives up to its reputation as the most hated dungeon ever! Water on, water off, water up, water down! Oh, you can't use your sword under water. Oh you need your iron boots, clunk. Clunk. CLUNK. But, you guys are just in for a lucky surprise because that Master Quest? It makes Every. Single. Dungeon. Water Temple insane!

3. Kaepora Gaebora
This guy is a magical piece of work! He talks to you for about an hour each time you see him chillin' up in a tree, okay, he will tell you at least one sentence that's of use to you the first time you play a LoZ game, after that, you kind of want to skip through it, so you do it, you press that (A) button like you press that traffic light button when you want to cross the road. But then, those evil people, at the end of his hour long speech have the options "I got all that" or "Please repeat that" and the option for him to say it all over again is the one that the arrow is automatically on so you go (A), (A), (A), (A)- oh shit... not again...
And that big, fuzzy owl tilts his head back and forth with his giant eyebrows happening like "oh yeah bro, it's not mustaches that are in, it's massive eye-staches".

I don't really know what else to say right now, considering I just got up and am extremely sleep deprived, haha, if I think of anything more I'll add it later. But seriously, if you love Legend of Zelda you should definitely get this, if you love adventure games you should definitely get this, if you have a 3DS you should definitely get this.

It gets
So basically it gets 100% 

A little note here, I did post this on Saturday morning here in Australia but according to Pacific Daylight Time (Australia uses Eastern Standard Time) which my blogger is set to, I posted this yesterday... and I waited all night for it to be 8:00 Saturday morning... anyway, enjoy guys and I'll talk to you soon!

Bad, Lazy Kitsuyurei is Going to Get Organised

Firstly, well, I'm sorry guys that actually read this I've been really lazy and slack for a long time, and I apologize sincerely...
I've been working really hard on things for a while...
I'm planning on putting up videos and a YouTube channel (and I'll post here when I do)
But, I've also been working really hard on a short story so I can buy some new things (like Bioshock Infinite Ultimate Songbird Edition)
And I've just been generally lazy... drawing random crap...
Which reminds me again, I plan on adding a little comic section to my blog, as well as any little stories or novels I start up.

And as usual, a picture...

I suppose if anyone who reads this is an artist, they could send me something? Haha... like I'm popular...

But, now I'll be getting into more of a proper schedule, and it will go something like this;

Bad Pun Tuesday - Every Tuesday I'll post some puns

Anything Goes Thursday - Where I post about anything, my life, rants, artwork or something and it will be every Thursday

Goodies and Games Saturday - Every second Saturday I'll talk about some game (okay, and since I'm poor I'll start with some games that have been out for a while (sorry) but eventually get some good ones or I'll review random shows or something... I don't know... (once I get my YouTube up, I'll move the game playing/talking to that channel)

Story Time Monday - The first Monday of every month I'll post a story or chapter of something I'm currently working on or my little plot lines/note takings or character artworks/info

Comic Corner Wednesday - One Wednesday every month I'll post a comic strip about anything I feel like drawing

Okay, wow that was a long post... 
Ja mata guys!

Monday 27 May 2013

General Badassery

Okay, so maybe someone who uses the term 'badassery' isn't a badass...

Well... I know I don't seem like the kind of person to be a badass... even from my... five... posts it's probably fairly obvious that I'm not. At least not in reality in my own mind... or in Skyrim, yeah, well... a malicious killer is more appropriate for the latter.

Let's see... things I've done in my younger years that felt to me, as being a badass...
-Skipping school... once in year eleven... (and yeah... I got caught >-<)
-Taking the long way to class with some pals so I was late...
-Chewing gum..
Okay, let's stop here actually... this list is really making me sad...

Hmm... Skyrim-wise
-Slaughtering an entire town and getting no bounty
-Being an assassin
-Being a thief
-Being a werewolf
-I would put being a vampire on here... but Twilight killed the badass factor there... *sparkles~*! (-_-)
And the list really, really goes on...

But seriously I have probably... maybe done some actual badass things before... I don't know... I really don't
I don't even know what this post is...

Friday 24 May 2013

A Few Random Things About Me

Let's see, well, the kanji used to write my first name (Kitsuyurei) is:

Ki - meaning spirit/soul

Tsuyu - meaning dew drop

Rei - meaning zero

And Jokyoku isn't my actual last name, ~(*-*)~ but it looks like this:

Jokyoku - meaning overture
And Overture means 'new chapter' or 'beginning' and it is also the obvious first part of a musical rendition. You'll probably notice that I really like music related words, such as this and Sforzando, Dal Segno, Oratorio (I hope I spelt that correctly).

What else...
                  Oh, I have a cat called 'Okorimakuri' which means 'Always Angry' but really he should have been called 'Always in Indecipherable Mood' but anyway... and Okori is attracted to things that light up... which can be a real problem with a glowing keyboard...

Well... I can't really think of anything to add... I suppose asking questions would be easier? So, I suppose, if anyone reads this, fire away!